Exploring the Benefits: What Higher Education Consulting Can Offer Your Institution

Higher education is a dynamic field that constantly evolves to meet the needs of students, educators, and society. College and university leaders today face many challenges. Changing demographics are putting pressure on traditional student pipelines and demanding innovative programs and student success strategies to support working adults. Employers are demanding talent with future-ready skills. Government activities ranging from financial aid guidance to OPM regulation are creating operational chaos and putting revenue streams at risk. 

How can higher education leaders navigate these challenging dynamics and chart sustainable futures for their institutions? The complexity of these issues benefits from expert and impartial advising, which is where a higher education consulting partner can play a crucial role. 

Read on to learn more! 

Partnering with a higher education consultant offers college and university leaders five advantages that increase the likelihood of their institution's success. A higher education consultant brings an independent perspective, industry-wide experience, and specialized expertise, which increases credibility with stakeholders and optimizes the use of university resources. Let’s explore how each of these benefits impacts university strategic initiatives. 

Independent and Objective Perspective

External consultants bring an unbiased viewpoint, which can help identify issues and ask the tough questions that might have been unspoken internally. By not living in the organization’s day-to-day dynamics, the higher education consultant can challenge assumptions, identify blind spots, and provide honest feedback. In doing so, the consultant models and can foster a culture of transparency and continuous improvement. 

A consultant’s independent perspective also contributes different questioning techniques, which can lead to viewing known situations in different and new ways. This drives more effective problem-solving and innovative solutions. The higher education consultant brings objectivity to facilitating the process of identifying opportunities for innovation and change.

Industry-Wide Experience and Best Practices

Higher education consultants have experience working in and with multiple institutions, creating depth and breadth in their perspective on the industry. They understand the faculty-centric decision-making, cultural dynamics, and fiscal considerations that shape annual planning cycles. 

Higher education consultants are steeped in the industry and familiar with the latest trends and best practices. Their work across multiple institutions offers broad exposure to what’s working and what's challenging, which allows them to advise on strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in multiple contexts while also being able to tailor recommendations to an institution’s unique circumstances.

Specialized Expertise and Skills

Higher education consultants often have specialized expertise in areas such as strategic planning, financial management, market research and program development, branding, and academic leadership development. 

Strategic planning, for example, is not something academic leaders do every day. Partnering with an experienced higher education consultant brings proven methodologies for vision and mission alignment, conducting environmental scans and SWOT analysis, defining clear strategic initiatives, and measurable objectives and key results. 

Enhanced Credibility with Stakeholders

A respected external consultant knows how to increase engagement with key stakeholders. The consultant’s facilitation of the project—for example, communicating transparently about the process, actively inviting diverse perspectives from faculty, staff, students, and/or external partners, and creating opportunities for the stakeholders to shape the recommendations—can enhance the credibility of proposed changes or initiatives with key stakeholders. 

The consultant’s involvement can lend authority and legitimacy to the institution's efforts and improve organizational readiness for change by gaining the trust and buy-in of key stakeholders. Their external validation can help overcome resistance and facilitate smoother implementation of new initiatives.

Time and Resource Efficiency

Consultants can help institutions save time and resources by providing targeted, efficient support. They can quickly assess situations, develop actionable plans, and assist with implementation, allowing the institution to focus on its core mission while benefiting from expert guidance.

Additionally, by leveraging the consultant's expertise, institutions can avoid common pitfalls and accelerate the implementation of strategic initiatives. This efficiency not only saves time and resources but also allows the institution to maintain focus on its primary educational mission.

Getting Started with a Higher Education Consultant 

Each higher education consultant brings different capabilities, services, and approaches to partnering with clients. To find the right higher education consultant for you, consider factors such as: 

  1. Size of the consulting firm - The cost and service experience will be different between a boutique firm and a mega-firm.

  2. Cultural fit with key stakeholders - Meet the team and gauge their ability to connect with the people who are critical to advancing the project.  

  3. Facilitating insights within - Ask about the approach for developing recommendations, and how the consultant will engage the university community and provide external, independent guidance. 

Higher education consultants provide an objective viewpoint, helping institutional leaders identify blind spots and areas for improvement that may be overlooked internally. These experts bring specialized knowledge and experience in various aspects of higher education and a hard-won perspective gained as faculty and administrative leaders who changed their institutions from inside. 

By leveraging consultants' expertise, higher education leaders can implement changes more efficiently and effectively, saving time and resources while achieving desired outcomes. At the Academic Leadership Group, we look forward to discussing your priorities and partnering with you to achieve your goals. 

Jennifer Stine